Seram, Indonesia

New Guinea








Area: 17 100 square kilometers

Highest point:

3019 meters


219 000

The population density:

12,807 people / square kilometers


Seram (Ceram), an island in the east of the Malay Archipelago, a group Moluccas. Seram is the territory of Indonesia. Ceram area of 17,100 square kilometers (adjacent islands area of ​​the island is about 18,700 square kilometers). Ceram's population is about 100 thousand people. On the island of Seram observed prevalence of mountainous terrain. The highest point of the island is Mount Binaya (in Height of up to 3019 m). Lowlands occupy a narrow strip of coast. Near the coast in some places there are coral reefs. The climate of the island is humid equatorial. Temperature on the island throughout the year ranges from 25 to 27 ° C, precipitation falls on the plains up to 2000 mm in the mountains up to 4000 mm per year. On the island there r ustye tropical rainforest in the south of the island is dominated by the monsoon areas of summer-green forests. The island is well developed slash-and-burn agriculture. On the island of Seram has sago plantations and coconut palms, pepper, sugarcane, cloves and nutmeg trees, coffee, cocoa, mango. On the north coast of the island is Port Wachau.


Many residents of the central Moluccas believe Seram is their historic homeland, and is often referred to Nusa Ina (Mother Island). In the XV and XVI centuries, Seram was in the sphere of influence of the Sultan of

Mining ridge on the island

Ternate, although often they ran vassal Buru Island. Portuguese missionaries began their work on the island from the XVI century. Dutch trading posts were established in the early XVII century, and around 1650, the island passed into the nominal dependence on the Netherlands. In 1780 Seram has become a key reference point for Prince Nuku the island Tidore, who led a guerrilla war against the Dutch. From 1954 to 1962 the mountain areas of the island were the scene of an armed guerrilla struggle against the government of the Republic of Indonesia for the creation of the Moluccas, led by Chris Saumokila.


On the island of Seram are two districts of the province of Maluku. Administrative center of West Seram-Bagian is Dataran Hunipopu, whose population in 2003 was 140 657.The administrative center of East Ceram is Dataran Hunimoa, whose population in 2003 was 78 336 people.

View of North coast (near Sawai)


Seram is traditionally associated with animism Nuaulu tribe, a people who are considered to preserve the culture of hunting for scalps to the 1940s. To date, the most common on the island were the Islamic and the Christian religion.

In the province of the Moluccas and in other parts of Indonesia in late 1998 broke a major sectarian conflict that led to tens of thousands of refugees from the island of Ambon, Seram and other neighboring islands, but after the Malino Agreement in 2002, the tension eased. Seram remains since a peaceful place, but the big cities, such as Masohi actually divided into Christian and Muslim parts.

Also on the island there are preachers of Hinduism.

Indigenous people Moluccas in the past wore conventional name - alfury.

On Seram home to many peoples and nations are at different stages of social and economic development: Gesert's (east of the island and the island of Seram and Gorong-Louth) - 90 thousand people, Alun's (West Island) - about 10 thousand people, Fmbont's (southwest coast), Wemal's (western mountainous part of the island) - 40 thousand people Manusel's - 5000 people.

In mountainous areas, the island is also home to a little-studied ethnic group that preserves traditional beliefs - Nuaulu's, Hoaulu's, Bonfim's and others. That representative of these peoples can be considered remnants of the past "alfurov's".

Flora and fauna

The island is striking, especially riot of tropical nature and unique mountain landscapes.

The coastal waters are diverse coral reefs.

For wildlife Seram island is characterized by great diversity of endemic birds. Of the 117 bird species that live on the island, 14 species are endemic, including noble green and red parrot, Purple-naped Lory, Salmon-crested Cockatoo, Todiramphus lazuli, Sacred

Seram bandicoot Banana rats

Kingfisher, Philemon subcorniculatus and Moluccan King Parrot.

Seram island mammals are presented as the Asian species (mouse), and the Australian marsupials. In the mountains, home to the largest number of Ceram's endemic species of mammals compared to other islands in the region. They are represented by 38 species, including nine species endemic or with a high degree of endemic's, some of which live only in the mountains. They include Seram bandicoot, golden flying fox,  flying fox, banana rats, barbed rat (Rattus feliceus) and Nesoromys ceramicus, are under threat of extinction.

Saltwater crocodile lives in the island several rivers, including the river Salawaj.

In 1997 the eastern part of the island was created by the National Park area Manuzela 1890 km ² (11% of the island).

On the island of Seram have many ancient megalithic villages and old military fortifications, but almost no roads.


The most important export products are copra, resin, sago and fish. Oil is produced in the north-east, near the town of Bula, a company KUFPEC (Indonesia) Limited.

Home New Guinea Kalimantan Sumatra Sulawesi Java Timor Halmahera
